Keep everything consistent, your website, business cards, brochures and even your invoices should be using the same designs and fonts across the board. Large fortune 500 companies never use different designs and logos in their marketing productions, and neither should you. There’s a reason to remain consistent and it called brand development. You want people to instantly recognize your company and what it stands for as soon as they spot your designs. Business cards are one of the most valuable marketing tools and you must spend the money to get business cards made. A business card can be used in almost any occasion. But you won’t get much out of business cards if you don’t carry them. Always have your business cards with you and ready to hand out. Always plan on giving things away. People will always take free stuff and that’s the perfect way to get them to take your name with them. Giveaways can be relatively inexpensive, and you should always have a supply of them for trade shows, or any other opportunity that may arise. Whether you’re paying for a website, brochure or any other kind of written materials, take the time to make it professional. If you’re not a good writer, hire a professional or get some help from someone who knows how to write. You know what ideas you want to convey, but there’s a difference between just writing something and writing something that is compelling.]]>